Selasa, 11 Juni 2013

Menentukan Nilai Terbesar dari 2 Bilangan Bulat

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Assalamaulaikum wr.wb
Posting yang sekarang saya akan berbagi hasil belajar saya di mata kuliah Algoritma dan Pemrograman yaitu mengenai subprogram . Dalam materi ini saya mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami urutan-uran untuk mencari dimana subnya.
Subprogram adalah bagian sub setelah fungsi utama. Subprogram biasanya digunakan dalam membuat procedure. Ini hasil dari perkuliahan ke V . Semoga bermanfaat .
  Menentukan Nilai Terbesar dari 2 Bilangan Bulat


Minggu, 23 September 2012

Cartoon of the Day

Loosing bets can be such a "drag." ;-)

By Bixyl Shuftan

Press Release: "Couleurs de la Danse" by Ballet Pixelle

Ballet Pixelle® will premiere its fourteenth original ballet "Couleurs de la Danse”, Sunday, September 23 at 5:00 pm. 

Performances will take place every Sunday at 5pm and Wednesday at 2pm at the Ballet Pixelle Theatre, through the month of October.

"Couleurs de la Danse" is a ballet about color...and dance.
There is no story, there is only movement.
A dashing and strong danseur in green with his vibrant green ballerina. 
A  quick and jazzy danseur in red with his fleet-footed and daring red ballerina. 
And a study in femininity and grace -- the lavender ballerina.
Then, a solo ballerina in white lace daintily follows the lines of the baroque violins.
And finally, red passion erupts!

Discussions following all performances.  Please come early as seats fill quickly!

For more general information, our web site is:

New Second Life Official Trailer for 2012

A new official trailer for Second Life by Linden Lab, uploaded on Youtube last week.

Second Life is an online 3D virtual world imagined and designed by you. From the moment you enter Second Life, you'll discover a universe brimming with people and possibilities.

Create and customize your own digital 3D persona, also known as your avatar. Be a fashion diva, a business-savvy entrepreneur, or a robot or all three. Changing identities is quick and easy, so if you tire of your avatars outfit or body, shop for a new one in Second Life or from your web browser. Then switch it in seconds.

Every minute, Residents assemble buildings, design new fashion lines and launch clubs and businesses. Theres always more to see and do.

Compared to some earlier ones, there's more detail in the graphics and more gaming, such as the zombie combat.
Source: Daniel Voyager